Use "liberalize|liberalized|liberalizes|liberalizing" in a sentence

1. (iii). where one sharing entity has spectrum acquired through auction or liberalized spectrum and the other has spectrum allotted administratively, sharing shall be permitted only after spectrum charges for liberalizing the administratively allocated spectrum are paid.

2. The cry in many countries is for liberalizing abortion laws.

3. They have plans to liberalize the prison system.

4. * Developing competitive services markets and liberalizing regulations on foreign direct investment;

5. Conversely, macroeconomic imbalances tend to get amplified in a liberalized environment

6. Liberalize the cross - border movement of merchandises and resources.

7. Efforts to reorganize and liberalize the army alienated other military chiefs.

8. Both candidates promised to liberalize trade laws to allow for more imports.

9. China Backslides on Economic Reform Under Xi Jinping, Beijing hasn’t liberalized

10. Along with liberalized access, they would be subject to painstaking inspections at the border.

11. It's going to be quite grumpy as China begins to democratize her society after liberalizing her economy.

12. (Applause) We -- as a result, we decided to liberalize many of our markets.

13. Situation: avoids killing those who answer concussion WTO place to advocate is commerce liberalize.

14. His plan involved a move toward more liberalized markets, although it was not without its critics.

15. In liberalized sectors, high switching costs from an incumbent are key impediments for consumer interest.

16. It was also important to ensure liberalized, commercially meaningful and effective market access under mode

17. In general , when a country becomes liberalized , the stock market values also rise .

18. EAS, of course, cannot remain aloof from the process of liberalizing trade and the movement of capital and services.

19. Through the E - marketing makes the situation of recreation agriculture management to modernize, liberalize, internationalize gradually.

20. In a liberalized context other options look more enticing; they also become more feasible.

21. I instructed our Government to liberalize controls over the export to China of high technology products.

22. The essence of the innovation of the university system is to liberalize the productivity of knowledge.

23. Therefore having the trade liberalize strategy managed is the ideal selection on stage of our country.

24. Advance what liberalize as global aviation ceaselessly, of aviation trade compete internationally adding increasingly drama.

25. For several developing countries that have liberalized their agricultural sectors, the experience has not been a positive one

26. However, some companies in liberalized contexts are already facing shareholder discontent, collapse of market value and take-overs.

27. • Acceptance of Birth Certificate in respect of abandoned/orphaned children liberalized for providing passport services.

28. But, current the world is marine liberalize in light of development condition,[Sentence dictionary] still haze hard drive.

29. iv) Acceptance of Birth Certificate in respect of abandoned/orphaned children liberalized for providing passport services.

30. (iv) Acceptance of Birth Certificate in respect of abandoned/orphaned children liberalized for providing passport services.

31. e) Nearly all countries in the project region have liberalized their energy markets partially or entirely

32. Expert advisory groups provide officials with advice on matters such as efforts to liberalize the global services markets.

33. In the Khrushchevian spring some courageous artists and administrators attempted to liberalize the Stalinist-dominated official art world from within.

34. During this time, Dubček and other reformers sought to liberalize the Communist government—creating "socialism with a human face".

35. The ASEAN Economic Community offers one avenue for promoting further regional integration, including by further liberalizing trade in services and reducing non-tariff barriers.

36. For a long while it looked as if China would never be liberalized, that it would remain locked in the super-Stalinism of Maoism.

37. Karp and Banducci (2001) found that in 42 American states with liberalized absentee voting laws, all-mail balloting increased participation rates for students and people with disabilities.

38. Another program making a difference, Pham said, is AGOA, the trade act that grants duty-free access to U.S. markets from African countries that liberalize their economies.

39. Regulatory restrictions currently prevent the use of alternative infrastructures, such as the use of cable TV networks, for third party or self-provision of telecommunication services which are already liberalized.

40. The United States is liberalizing rules governing the export of liquefied natural gas and U.S.-produced crude, and we’re eager to work with European allies to ensure the development of needed infrastructure like import terminals and interconnecting pipelines to promote the diversity of supply to Europe.

41. In order to streamline, liberalize and ease the process of issue of passport, the Ministry of External Affairs has taken a number of steps in the realm of passport policy which is expected to benefit the citizens of India applying for a passport.

42. Reforms are afoot to liberalize the Indian economy through faster decision-making and cut through red-tape, relaxation of labour laws, and liberalization of foreign investment norms in critical sectors of the economy like defence, railways, insurance and construction, and take up GST next year.

43. In order to further improve and liberalize Police Verification procedure for passport issuance, the Government has decided that henceforth normal passport applications of all first time applicants furnishing Aadhaar, Electoral Photo Identity Card (EPIC), Permanent Account Number (PAN) Card and an affidavit in the format of Annexure-I will be processed on Post-Police Verification basis, enabling faster issue of passport, without payment of any additional fees, subject to successful online validation of Aadhaar number.

44. In order to further improve and liberalize Police Verification procedure for passport issuance, the Ministry announced on 25 January, 2016 that normal passport applications of all first time applicants furnishing Aadhaar, Electoral Photo Identity Card (EPIC), Permanent Account Number (PAN) Card and an affidavit in the prescribed format that no criminal proceedings were pending against the applicant will be processed on Post-Police Verification basis, enabling faster issue of passport, without payment of any additional fees.

45. * In order to further improve and liberalize Police Verification procedure for passport issuance, the Government has decided that henceforth normal passport applications of all first time applicants furnishing Aadhaar, Electoral Photo Identity Card (EPIC), Permanent Account Number (PAN) Card and an affidavit in the format of Annexure-I will be processed on Post-Police Verification basis, enabling faster issue of passport, without payment of any additional fees, subject to successful online validation of Aadhaar number.

46. Combining supervised exercise with liberalized pre-meal glucose targets 50,000 0 IRWIN, Jennifer D University of Western Ontario Obesity prevention and healthy bodyweight promotion in preschool-aged children - Parents' perceptions 38,191 0 SAIRAM, Malur R Institut de recherches cliniques de Montréal Identification of adipocyte gene products impacting obesity and Type II Diabetes during hormone deficiency 50,000 0 TREMBLAY, Angelo Université Laval Sleep apnea and variations in energy expenditure 49,788 0 For more information on INMD's Pilot Project Grant program please contact:

47. According to officials at the Australian High Commission in Ottawa, the priorities for the Commission's examination of alternative internal trade mechanisms are to alleviate the high cost of pursuing litigation, provide a more comprehensive understanding of interstate barriers, and address the need for more informal dispute resolution. Back to Table of Contents 3.2 Canada's Agreement on Internal Trade (AIT) As a recent paper published by the Canadian Chamber of Commerce suggests, Canadians have more incentives than ever to further liberalize internal trade.